Forum Rules
1. Do not disrespect other members; do not act disrespectfully to other members, including using offensive terms against them. This includes staff members.
3. Do not spam; do not spam the same/multiple messages for malicious/disruptive intent. This may also include full capitalization, spam bots, regular spam, and spam posting.
4. Do not post inappropriate content; do not post any inappropriate links in threads/posts. This includes pornographic images, ‘screamers’, and any other malicious links.
5. Do not create argumentative or inappropriate discussions; do not create a discussion (threads/posts) to encourage drama or arguments (for malicious intent). If you have an issue with another user breaking the rules, create a player report. If you have an issue with a staff member abusing, create a staff report.
6. No advertising; do not advertise anything that is not related to Veluciant Roleplay. This includes advertising your social media, videos and anything else that is used to advertise yourself or other servers/services
7. Do not use racist or derogatory terms; do not use any racist or derogatory terms at all, even if the word has a different meaning.
8. English only on the forums; do not use any other language apart from English on the forums.
9. Do not +support/-support without a reason; to ensure users aren't getting free support from friends, please state the reason you +support/-support their post/application to help them better their concept.
These rules are to be followed at all times, by all members. Failure to do so may result in punishment, leading to a permanent ban on our forums. Our forums is a place for users to communicate and contribute within the community, not a place for users to act inappropriate or rude.